Scientific Journal Impact Factor - 6.1
ISSN NO : 2394-2886
Thomson Reuters' Research ID : M-55242-2018 Indexed Journals
An ISO 7021 : 2008 Certified Journal
This journal aims to focus on the swap of pertinent trends and research results as well as the presentation of practical experiences gained while developing and testing elements of technology enhanced learning. So it aims to bridge the gaps between pure educational research journal and more practical publications. So it covers the full range of qualitative & effective research papers and invention descriptions. To promote the "Advance Research & Innovative Ideas"
High Visibility: SPJMR Journal of Social, Technological and Environtal Science is available via many university libraries. Articles are freely and easily available to anyone in developing countries. All articles can be accessed for free.
Open Access Option: SPJMR is part of online open, which allows authors to access published article anytime and anywhere.
Publication Cost: Very normal charges with additional benefits to publish your articles.
Impact: A good impact views from all over countries like India, Unites states, Europe, Asia, etc...