Scientific Journal Impact Factor - 6.1
ISSN NO : 2394-2886
Thomson Reuters' Research ID : M-55242-2018 Indexed Journals
An ISO 7021 : 2008 Certified Journal
The Suraj Punj Joural for Multidisciplinary Research, e-ISSN : 2394-2886 is a monthly publication, with peer arbitration in Engineering, Science and Management. SPJMR is an open-access, Multidisciplinary journal, driven by the belief that all types of knowledge must be globally available. Its target audience are original researchers who dialogue with the interdisciplinary theme in science, technology and management. The journal publishes unpublished research, of recognized theoretical rigor, intellectual and scientific relevance and that involves multidisciplinary discussions that revolve around four main thematic axes: Science, Engineering and Management.
Suraj Punj Joural for Multidisciplinary Research is an open access journal, which means that all articles are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication. Non-commercial use and distribution in any medium is permitted, provided the author and the journal are properly credited. Benefits of open access for authors include: free access for all users worldwide, authors retain copyright to their work, increased visibility and readership, rapid publication, no spatial constraints. Special issues dedicated to international conferences in the topics of the journal are brought out, as well. All submitted manuscripts are initially evaluated by the Editor and, if are found suitable, are sent for further consideration, to peer reviewers for an independent and anonymous expert review process.
Important Dates
Submission Last Date: Throughout the year
Acceptance Status: Within 24 hours
Publication Period: Within 72 hours
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e - ISSN Online Number: 2394-2886
Frequency: 12 issues per Year
Discipline: Multidisciplinary
International License: CC BY-SA 4.0 License
DOI: 10.32968 / 2394-2886
High Visibility: SPJMR Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science is available via many university libraries. Articles are freely and easily available to anyone in developing countries. All articles can be accessed for free.
Open Access Option: SPJMR is part of online open, which allows authors to access published article anytime and anywhere.
Publication Cost: Very normal charges with additional benefits to publish your articles.
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1500/- (online publication)
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Impact: A good impact views from all over countries like India, Unites states, Europe, Asia, etc...
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